Monday, June 30, 2008

Kelly Cole & Joseph Nunn

On June 29th, 2008 Kelly & Joseph tied the knot at Gettysvue Country Club. The day was filled with emotions as everyone prayed for beautiful skies, no rain, and cooler temperatures. Kelly was calm and collected ready to see her groom. Joseph was relaxed watching sports and was ready when ever it was time. The time came the skies were blue and the temperature was cooler. With the "I do's" said and 2 rings exchanged Kelly & Joseph were husband and wife. With an attitude of joy and laughter Kelly and Joseph greeted their guests in a room decorated with hydrangeas, lemons, and candles. The night ended with everyone on the dance floor (even the mother of the bride); and Mr. & Mrs. Nunn were sent off in crowd of sparklers.

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